
I am curious to know why Todd Halbur, one of two Republicans running for Iowa State Auditor, thinks he can fulfill the duties of the office as required.

Mr. Halbur was fired from Iowa’s Alcoholic Beverages Division (ABD) in 2018. The following year, he filed a $7.5 million lawsuit against ABD, and in reality, against the Iowa taxpayers.

Mr. Halbur touts his experience working for ABD, but he does not say that he has a multi-million-dollar lawsuit against this state agency.  The State Auditor is supposed to be our taxpayer watchdog and make sure our tax dollars are not wasted.

How is Mr. Halbur supposed to provide objective oversight of Iowans’ tax dollars as State Auditor while he is waging war in court against the state and Iowa taxpayers?  His omission of the full truth concerns me as does the fact that he is running for a statewide office while also involved in an ongoing lawsuit against a state agency.

John C. Ranney

Council Bluffs


In the upcoming primary election I want to share my endorsement of Rep. Skyler Wheeler for State Representative in Iowa House District 04.

Actions often speak louder than words, and Rep Wheeler’s voting record in Des Moines speaks volumes.He has stood firmly for family, traditional marriage, life, and the Biblical values that sustain our state and our country.He is a young man with a wife and two children and is dedicated to Iowa being a state where families can flourish.

I believe the values, track record and commitment of Rep. Wheeler continue the legacy of my late husband, Rep. Dwayne Alons.

I greatly respect Rep. Wheeler and have total confidence he will continue to represent the constituents of District 04 with honesty and integrity.

Clarice Alons

Sioux Center, Iowa