The Republican National Senatorial Committee recently launched its first television ad in Iowa. It features newly minted democratic senatorial candidate, real estate executive, Theresa Greenfield.

The ad focuses on Greenfield’s claims that she was a successful small businesses woman. However, according to the NRSC and thair new ad, Greenfield is misrepresenting her record. In a press release, the NRSC maintains the following.

  • Greenfield’s failed homebuilding business ran up millions of dollars in debt.
  • Homeowners and banks repeatedly sued Greenfield’s company for Fraud. Shoddy work. Not making payments on time.
  • Greenfield’s business folded.
  • Theresa Greenfield’s not a successful businesswoman but rather a phony whose company didn’t pay its bills while destroying the jobs of Iowa families.

For each claim, they provide citations at

“Greenfield’s failed business record is more proof that she is unprepared to lead,” said NRSC spokesperson Nathan Brand. “Hiding behind campaign commercials won’t cut it for Hawkeye State voters who are demanding answers about her failed business record.”

Recently a group of Iowa small business owners sent a letter to Greenfield demanding answers about her and her company’s decision to evict other small businesses in 2015 to make way for a multinational corporation at the Apple Valley Shopping center in Windsor Heights.