Jenifer Bowen. Des Moines, IA

Jenifer Bowen. Des Moines, IA

To the Editor,

Almost exactly one year ago, I went to the doctor because I discovered a few bumps under my arm and my hand had swollen up. I thought these were from a recent car accident but after a mammogram and biopsy, I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.

However, my situation wasn’t hopeless; my radiologist and oncologist suggested two aggressive treatments, which ultimately helped regress the spread of the cancer. Since then, my cancer hasn’t grown. I’m extremely grateful for my doctors, who went above and beyond to help me fight my diagnosis.

It seems I’ve got a new challenge to confront. As a breast cancer survivor, I face great risks in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. But I’m reassured knowing Americans live in the best place in the world to potentially benefit from a vaccine or cure.

Health care professionals, innovators, and scientists have been anticipating the situation that we currently face. The biopharmaceutical industry is working tirelessly to provide hope for Americans and I’m grateful for them. We’re living in an unprecedented time with news constantly breaking and the state of the world changing by the hour it seems.

Now more than ever, we should support and back this industry working to save American lives. Innovation’s byproducts have already saved my life in the last year and I look forward to what’s discovered this next year.


Jenifer Bowen
Des Moines, IA