In 2016 when Skyler Wheeler first ran for office, I supported an opponent. I appreciated what Skyler said he stood for but didn’t trust his inexperience and his ability to have real influence to get things done for our District. I expected he might be a firebrand who talked big but got little done. Since that time, we have all had an opportunity to analyze what Skyler has accomplished.  Skyler has been remarkably effective. I have been moved from the column of skeptic to supporter.

I am amazed that he has been able to lead in so many areas. Sklyer was honest about what he said he cared about and has advanced many practical solutions for District priorities. Skyler has been at the forefront of the fight for defense of life. He has strengthened our states position on the second amendment. Sklyer supported voter ID, before it became a national hot button issue, and ensured that Iowans have confidence in our election system. He has been part of seeing our state taxes reduced. Skyler is a huge proponent of educational choices and parent involved education.

Not only has he led on these banner conservative issues, but he has also been a great grass roots politician. Skyler has demonstrated a willingness to listen to people’s problems and unique situations. Skyler has made himself available and has been directly in contact with City Administrators, Mayors and businesses when they have had issues that have needed to be addressed at the state level. He has been quietly working behind the scenes on things that don’t get much attention and giving us the support we have needed. Just as one example, I have seen him support important development projects like Lewis and Clark Regional Water System.

He is involved in the communities, raising a beautiful family, at the community events, and truly getting things done. I am grateful for his energy, skill, competence and faithfulness to a calling to serve. Please accept this letter of endorsement.

Eric D. Rankin

Hull, Iowa

I’m writing this letter to show my complete support and faith in Rep. Skyler Wheeler as a member of the Iowa House of Representatives.  His constant pursuit of conservative values has always shown through in his ideas for legislation and in his voice amongst his colleagues.  As a 22-year veteran of the Air Force, I noticed Rep. Wheeler’s keen ability to stand out amongst our peers.  He takes control and leads discussions, while at the same time he brings all interested parties together to hear every side of the issue.  He is a true patriot and I am honored to call him my friend.

Rep. Wheeler is well respected amongst his peers and his leadership skills have shown through when he has been asked to spearhead debate or floor manage a bill.  He has never wavered when it comes to being a true conservative within the Republican caucus.  From his votes to defund Planned Parenthood to banning Critical Race Theory in schools to protecting girl’s sports, Rep. Wheeler has always put conservative thought and ideas first.

In such a tumultuous time that all Iowans are experiencing right now, what the district and the state needs is a true conservative voice that is willing to take the hard stand on the right side of controversial issues.  Rep. Wheeler has always and will always continue to make the right choice.  He will make the right choice for everyone in the district as well as everyone in Iowa.  He is the right choice when you vote on Jun 7th.

Henry Stone

District 7 Representative
Iowa House of Representatives

As parents in Lyon County for the last 17 years, we have seen how important and valuable family is to this community.  This county takes an enormous amount of pride in the strength of our small towns; we all want the best for our children and we will fight for them to have a bright future.  Anyone who is a parent understands that “it takes a village”, and most importantly, it matters who is in your village!

Over the course of the last year we have had the honor and privilege of getting to know Skyler Wheeler.  We were first introduced through mutual friends when a group of Lyon county parents were trying to navigate what our rights were concerning the mask mandates.  Although Skyler was not the representative for our area at the time, he never hesitated to answer questions or take phone calls from us so that we knew what our rights were.  He encouraged us to keep pursuing those rights along with the truth.

Skyler stands for truth. He will fight for our freedoms and the family values that the people in this county hold dear.  He has 6 years of PROVEN conservatism at the state level and is endorsed by Bob Vander Plaats and Governor Reynolds.  He is the number one ranked conservative in the Iowa House. 

Please carefully consider who you will be voting for in House District #4 on Tuesday, June 7.  Watch closely HOW your candidates campaign.  We whole-heartedly endorse Skyler Wheeler for reelection because we know he is the right person to best represent the people of Iowa HD #4 AND Lyon County.  

Respectfully submitted,
John & Kristi Robinson