by Senator Joni Ernst | Oct 17, 2022 | Congress, Opinion
The shady organization that funneled U.S. tax dollars into China’s state-run Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to conduct risky research on coronaviruses collected from bats is once again being paid by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to experiment on bats. The...
by Senator Joni Ernst | Oct 1, 2022 | Congress, Opinion
Washington is spending billions of your tax dollars every year to hypothetically achieve technological dominance over Communist China, but the ultimate beneficiary of that effort may just be the CCP. That is the shocking conclusion of a Department of Defense...
by Senator Joni Ernst | Aug 1, 2022 | Congress, Opinion
Despite what the White House says, our economy is in a recession, and inflation is the highest it’s been in over 40 years. Washington Democrats keep telling us not to worry and that the problem is only temporary, yet every month the mountain Americans have to climb to...
by Luke Martz | Jul 22, 2022 | Campaigns, Congress
During a Sunday event, Democrat senate candidate Mike Franken called Iowa farmers “stooges” while discussing the current status of the agricultural industry. Farmers are “rather stooges for a process they have no control over,” Franken said. Although farmers in Iowa...
by Senator Joni Ernst | May 20, 2022 | Opinion
Here’s a headline I would never have thought I’d read in America in 2022: “Iowa families scour stores for baby formula.” But that’s the grim reality today under President Biden. In their reporting, the Des Moines Register cataloged the story of one mother who visited...