Did you catch today’s news on Twitter?

No, not that – although that was pretty great news. This  ⬇️

Congresswoman Cindy Axne is one of the most vulnerable Democrats in the nation.

Is anyone surprised by this?  One of the most vulnerable Democrats is also one of the most out-of-touch Democrats Iowa’s have seen in many years. Cindy Axne has only herself to blame.

Remember when she was called out for being a hypocrite on bipartisanship and then flip-flopped when she was called out for being called out?

She keeps company with a hardcore leftie Jamie Raskin. Not only does she let him vote for her but then lets him raise money for her too!

Rep. Axne refused to stand up to Pelosi last year on a COVID-19 bill until David Young forced her hand. Even then, her appeal to Pelosi was Lukewarm at best. This year is no different. So far, in 2021, Axne has refused to stand up to Democrats on ICE, Derecho Relief, and Pelosi’s attempt to literally steal a congressional seat from a Republican and give it to a Democrat. Think about it; we’re only a few weeks into the year!

While no one knows what the new congressional districts will look like, it’s safe to say that kind on record is going to be harder and harder to defend to voters unless the new #IA03 is just made up of Johnson and Polk counties.

Good Luck, Cindy –  You’re gonna need it.